The Gift of Real Realness

Should you give Descent: Your Guide to the Underworld, a book that takes the reader into the darkest place we go in our human journey, the realm of the Underworld, as a gift? 



Well, baby dolls, it’s been a rough couple few years. 

You know it, I know it, your cousin knows it, that friend you text three times a day knows it, that other friend you haven’t managed to reach out to in months knows it, we all know it. 

So why not give something that acknowledges this sense of loss, of sorrow, of restless uncertainty, of darkness. A present that, rather than trying to cover over or distract from the burn, acknowledges it.

Why not give a guide that plainly and lovingly helps people deal with life on life terms. The terms of late have been that we, collectively, have gone into the Underworld. 

Why not give a book that not only discusses the descent into the Underworld, but which helps people prepare to come back up from it.

I don’t know when that will be, the coming back up. For some that’s already come. For others, that day is a long way off. For the collective—I wish I knew.

The thing about Descent is that it’s a guide. And when you give someone a guide to somewhere, what you’re saying is, I believe you have what it takes to go. And to come back.

You know that saying, what do you get for the person who has everything? This. Because everything includes difficulty, it includes heartache, it includes the strength to take this journey through life. Honor someone’s everything. Give the gift of letting us all be, after all that we’ve been through, real.


Have You Been Long Suffering?


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